sobota, 31 marca 2012


I will miss you, school.

niedziela, 25 marca 2012

fry enterprise

I took myself for a forest-ride today. The weather is sunny n cloudless, pretty windy though. It almost blew me away a few times. For Fry Enterprise and I this happened to be the original trip, we made friends eventually.
I suppose I can tentatively say I finished school. All that's left now are diploma exams exams n exams.

niedziela, 18 marca 2012

mutant starfish desert

sponge-biscuits, mascarpone cheese, starry pasta and plum jam.

środa, 14 marca 2012

scale of the universe

It is almost beyond my imagination how irrelevant, tiny yet complex we are in relation to the magnitude of the universe. The thought of it is sort of relieving when having troubles or a hard day at school. For all paramount businesses take place out there continually!

wtorek, 13 marca 2012

środa, 7 marca 2012


my brother's hand. veins.

fresh Rufus is out! and I bloody love it!

poniedziałek, 5 marca 2012

hard days

I hunted down these two few weeks ago. Star Trek is nothing new to me, I remember watching The Original Series and the motion pictures on telly as a kid. It brings my childhood memories back somehow. It'll never end!


Recently I've been struggling with my paintings - I have a review in painting, precisely in a week, and I still have no clear conception of it. Gosh. Sometimes I wish I didn't care about all these THINGS as much as I do. Or instead of worrying all day and not sleeping a wink I could actually do something about it.
In addition my diploma is stuck in a space between sketches and digital projects, from which I can't crawl out. One month. There's one month left.

Praise tea for reminding me how splendid holiday I'm going to have!

sobota, 3 marca 2012


I want september, now!