I and my friend Diana used to laugh pretty hard at this particular picture as the guy riding a bike resembles Benedict Cumberbatch a lot. What is more the bike itself reminds me of my beloved one, Fry. Berlin will never stop surprising me.
Agh, but that happened last year. Time flies definately too fast!
What's new?
Well, to begin with I turned 20 this month. No comments.
I'm having an immense time now since there are just few months left to the graduation, diploma attainment, reviews, exams and studies. I did my best to make it as satisfying and pleasing as possible therefore I'm doing diploma in british comedy, and polish oral presentation about Virginia Woolf.
On Monday I'm going on a last school trip to paint on location. As usual it'll involve %drinking + chess, cards, scrabble playing and to finish with painting and drawing also.
I'm becoming more and more sentimental about my school.
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